Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tingkatan Surga

Abu Hurairah R'A meriwayatkan bahwa Rasulullah S'AW bersabda mengenai jumlah tingkatan surga:

"Di surga terdapat seratus tingkatan. Jarak antara tingkatan yang satu dengan tingkatan berikutnya berkisar seratus tahun."

Maksud pernyataan "Jarak antara tingkatan yang satu dengan tingkatan berikutnya berkisar seratus tahun" adalah bahwa dibutuhkan waktu hingga seratus tahun bagi pengendara yang sanggup memacu kendaraannya dengan kecepatan paling tinggi untuk melintasi jarak tersebut tanpa jeda sedikit pun. Tentu saja, yang dikatakan Rasulullah S'AW tentang perjalanan "seratus tahun" termasuk ungkapan metaforis yang menggambarkan tentang betapa luasnya surga.

Dalam hadits lain yang diriwayatkan oleh Abu Hurairah R'A, disebutkan bahwa terdapat seratus tingkatan surga yang disediakan bagi orang-orang yang berjuang di jalan Allah. Di samping itu ada tingkatan-tingkatan lainnya yang disediakan bagi orang-orang bertaqwa...

Sumber: Ensiklopedi al Qur'an

Nasreddin and the king...

Nasreddin was well-known for his intelligence and wisdom. The king invited him to join his hunting to the forest nearby. The forest was not very far from the palace but the king and his guards had to take a winding road along the beach before coming to the forest.

When the group was taking a rest at the beach, the king washed his hands and face with the sea water. He tasted the salty sea water.

Then he asked Nasreddin, "Nasreddin, can you explain why the sea water is salty?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. Sea water does never move. It's always in its place. It doesnt go anywhere. Unfortunately, man has a bad tendency to throw his garbage to the sea. To prevent the water from smelling bad, our forefathers put much salt in it. that is the reason why it is salty now," Nasreddin explained.

The king was very satisfied with the answer. Then the group continued to the journey. about 100 metres before the forest, the king saw the wreckage of a house. The roof was scattered everywhere. The wall was broken and fell down. On the broken wall there was an owl building its nest. The owl was growling.

The king asked, "Nasreddin, what is the owl saying to me?"

Nasreddin answered carefully, "He says that if Your Majesty does not stop torturing the people with the high tax, this kingdom will fall down just like the wall."

Fate is Not Logical

Nasreddin was walking home relaxedly through the street in his neighbourhood. The street was very narrow and the houses were very close to it. When he walked in front of a shabby house, suddenly a man fell from the roof onto him. The man was fixing the roof of his house.

The man did not injure himself even a bruise. On the other hand, Nasreddin broke his neck. Therefore, he should be hospitalised.

When he was in the hospital, most of his friend visited him. One of them asked him, "Nasreddin, what lesson can you take from the accident?"

"Nothing but one, don't believe to the saying that fate is always logical."

"How can you conclude that lesson?" asked his friend further.

"The man fell down from the roof. If the fate was logical he would have broken his neck or injured himself. But the reality was he fell from the roof, I broke my neck," Said Nasreddin.

At School...

When Nasreddin was young he worked as a language teacher at an elementary school. One day he was teaching literature to his students. He was standing in front of the class and demonstrating how to read a poem. He recited this poem:

"Oh, my dear Lord,
Every part of my soul and body
overwhelmed by your spirit
All before me
looks like You always"

Suddenly, his naughtiest student asked him, "What do you think if therem is a fool before you?"

Paying no attention, he continued his poem: "Just looks like you!"

And the rest of his students laughed at the naughty student. The naughty student's face was blushing. Then Nasreddin analysed the poem. afterward Nasreddin gave them a poem about a troop that invaded another country.

The naughty student wanted to make fun of Nasreddin by asking another difficult question.

He asked, "Which one is the greatest achievement, a person who can invade another country but he doesnt do it, or a person that actually can invade another country but he doesnt do it, or a person that prevents other persons from doing so?"

Nasreddin answered, "I dont know it for sure. But I know a duty that is much more difficult than your question."

"What's that?" asked his students.

"Teaching you to be able to respect an old man," said Nasreddin.


Nasreddin heard news that the richest man in town would give charity to all poor people there. Nasreddin wanted to come there soon but he also had to finish his job at home. So, first he did his job quickly and then ran to the rich man's house.

When he arrived there, there was no people outside the house. He thought he was late. He looked at the house from a distance. Because he saw the rich man through the window, he knocked at the door.

A moment later, the servant came up and said, "Sorry, sir. My master is out now."

Nasreddin was very disappointed. He knew that the rich man had lied to him. He wanted to get angry but there was no reason for him.

He said to the servant, "That's all right. Although he could not give me any charity, I will give him advice. Tell him later, if he wants to go out, he should not leave his face on the window otherwise somebody will steal it."

Taken From: Nasreddin, The Wise Man.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Muara Bulian - Akibat tebalnya debu yang bertebaran di jalan lintas Jambi - Muara Bulian ketika dilintasi kendaraan yg bertonase besar maupun kendaraan pribadi saat ini, ternyata sangat berpengaruh sekali terhadap kesehatan masyarakat terutama buat masyarakat yang berada di pinggir jalan lintas.

pasalnya, dengan kondisi tersebut wabah penyakit sangat rentan sekali terjadi seperti batuk, pilek, dan demam yg termasuk kategori penyakit infeksi saluran pernapasan atas (ISPA)

Untuk itu, dihimbau kpd seluruh mmasyarakat terutama yang berdomisili di pinggir jalan lintas agar selalu menjaga lingkungan yg bersih dan pola makan yang sehat dan teratur, agar pada saat cuaca yg tidak menentu yg disertai debu ini, penyakit ISPA tidak gampang menyerang.

Sumber: Batanghari Ekspres

Friday, April 1, 2011

Untaian Hikmah dari Khulafa'ur Rasyidin

Agama utk kehidupan di akhirat, harta utk kehidupan di dunia. Di dunia org yg tidak berharta merasa susah hati, tetapi org yg tdk beragama merasa lebih sengsara. (Abu Bakar As-Siddiq)

Banyak berhutang akan menggelincirkan org yg benar kpd pendustaan. (Nasehat dari Ali bin Abi Thalib)

Manusia yang berakal adalah manusia yg suka menerima dan meminta nasihat. (Umar bin Khattab)

Kemarahan org yg berakal dilihat pada tindak tanduknya dan kemarahan yg ada pada org jahil itu dpt dilihat melalui perkataannya. (Hikmah dari Ali bin Abi Thalib)

Orang2 yg suka berkata jujur mendapatkan tiga hal: kepercayaan, cinta, dan rasa hormat. (Ali bin Abi Thalib)

Jika engkau merasa berkuasa utk membuat aniaya kpd hamba Allah, ingatlah pula bahwa Allah lebih kuasa membalasnya. (Petuah Umar bin Khattab)

Petuah Ibnu Athaillah As Sakandari

Min 'alamatin nujhi fin nihayati ar ruju'u ilallahi fil bidayati. Salah Satu tanda sukses di akhir perjalanan adalah kembali kepada Allah di awal perjalanan. (Petuah bijak Ibnu Athaillah)

Petuah di atas bermakna: Bagi seorang yg mencari ridha Allah, ada permulaan atau bidayah dan ada akhiran atau nihayah. Permulaan orang yang mencari ridha Allah adalah perjalanannya menapaki kehidupan, dan akhirannya adalah sampainya di hadapan Allah. Apabila sejak awal langkahnya memulai perjalanan, orang itu sudah benar2 kembali kpd Allah, berjalan menuju Allah dengan total, maka peluang suksesnya utk sampai kpd ridha Allah sangatlah besar. Sebab Allah pasti menolongnya sejak ia memulai langkahnya. Allah akan menjaganya utk tidak terputus dan jatuh di tengah jalan. akan tetapi jika di awal langkahnya ia tidak kembali kpd Allah, tidak meminta pertolongan Allah, ia akan terlempar kembali ke tempat ia memulai perjalanan, dan ia tidak akan sampai kpd Allah. seorang ulama yang hatinya diterangi cahaya Allah mengatakan, "Siapa yang mengira dirinya bisa sampai kepada Allah dengan pengantar selain Allah, maka Allah memutus perjalanannya. Dan barang siapa beribadah dengan mengandalkan kekuatannya sendiri, maka Allah menyerahkan urusan ibadahnya kepada kekuatannya, Allah tidak akan menolongnya.

Sumber: Bumi Cinta (Habiburrahman El Shirazy)


Anda mungkin kesal, jika di siang hari ketika kerja di kantor, anda mengantuk. Tapi di malam hari, ketika harusnya tidur, anda malah tak bisa tidur. Agar cepat tertidur, kenakan piyama oranye atau pandangi jeruk orange selama beberapa menit. Warna cahaya sang surya ini bisa menyebabkan kantuk karena cahaya biru terang yang dipancarkan TV atau komputer mengganggu produksi melatonin tubuh, hormon yang bertanggung jawab utk tidur. Warna oranye mengatur ulang bentuk retina, bagian dari mata yang memfilter cahaya. hasilnya, makin banyak cahaya alamiah yg masuk ke dalam mata, menstimulir pelepasan melatonin yg membantu anda cepat tertidur.

Sumber: Aura